Captain Planet, the na’ve superhero created by Gaia, the spirit of Earth, to save our planet from pollution, died yesterday of emphysema. He was ancient.
C.P., who always proclaimed the “Power is yours!” came to international attention in the early ’90s when Gaia was wrestled from a centuries-long rest by widespread pollution and what was being termed the “greenhouse effect.” While he was mainly formed by five youths that Gaia had appointed to help save the world from itself, he was, in fact, his own entity who was said to have had a most extensive knowledge of current events and pop culture until his sickness began a few years ago.
It was not known to Gaia early on that Captain Planet would be put at such risk while trying to educate and inform the world of its addiction to pollution-inducing activities. Since Captain Planet began his quest, the world saw its 10 hottest years ever in recorded history (interesting since scientists can determine temperature going back almost to the beginning of time). Also noted were the effects of carbon dioxide on the air we breathe as the world began to buy larger and larger SUVs and relied more on coal-burning power plants.
While no one ever saw Captain Planet get angry or violent, he was disconnected in his later years. He received daily reports from the Planeteers and Gaia on the effects of pollution and global warming, at one point breaking down when hearing about 20,000 deaths in Europe and 1,500 in India in just one year (2003). Hurricanes and tsunamis getting stronger and stronger and killing more people than ever (a phenomena attributed to increased heat) caused Captain Planet to strain himself physically while suffering from emphysema. He remained bedridden the past six months while working on his memoir, “Captain Planet: Ecological Terrorism – the Real Threat.”
In his book he cites that “melting glaciers and severe droughts will cause more dramatic shortages of water in the world,” along with “the rise in sea levels across the world will lead to a loss of coastal land and further pollute the water supply of a planet made up of over 70 percent water.” A loss of coral reef in the oceans also deeply troubled Captain Planet, as his favorite Spring Break destination spot of the Virgin Islands was suffering a staggering loss of coral every year, so far ruining an entire colony that was popular among snorkelers.
Captain Planet was never one to place blame, despite that while he was around the United States produced 25 percent of the world’s pollution while harboring only 4 percent of the world’s population (and almost every villain he faced was American). He was an outspoken promoter of the electric car (and helped with the production of the recent film “Who Killed the Electric Car?” now showing at Liberty Hall in Lawrence), and also of legislation worldwide to curb the smog output from modern factories, which is being blamed for his emphysema since he was always flying around foolishly unprotected.
Captain Planet is survived by his creator Gaia, Kwame (representing Earth, from his native Africa where civilization began), Wheeler (with the power of Fire, from North America and by far the most ignorant and selfish of the Planeteers), Linka (with the power of wind, coming from the former Soviet Union, much praised for its efforts to combat pollution), Gi (coming from Asia where she represents the power of Water), and Ma-ti (from South America, representing what is considered the least-effective power of Heart, as it was only used in actual battle once). While Captain Planet may be gone, he would most certainly want the fight to go on to save the world from its own mess, although some fear the fight may already be over.
Private services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday on Hope Island. Gaia will be holding the pubic memorial following services at her compound on the island. Flowers should be sent to 412 Inspiration Ave., Hope Island 89745-4556.
Fittingly, Captain Planet’s last uttered words from his frail mouth was, as always, “THE POWER IS YOURS!” If only we listened.