Impressions false for Baker Weekend

This article was originally published prior to June 2, 2013. Due to a change in the content management systems, the initial publication date in not available. 

Baker is a wonderful school full of opportunities that should be made aware to aspiring high school seniors.

Often, the best way to get the message out about said opportunities is through events like Baker Weekend, where students visit campus to get a feel for what the university has to offer.

Unfortunately, weekends like these often are misleading by nature.

BU Weekend should be taken for what it is: a promotional event to boost next year’s enrollment.

Naturally, schools from all over the country put on weekends like this one to hype their university’s programs and put forth a nice display for prospective students.

Baker is no different. For instance, when one visits BU this weekend, the campus will be dry.

A dry weekend at Baker certainly is not an accurate representation of the Friday night culture at our school.

Students also might be misled into thinking Baker is open to all sorts of living situations.

With the recent budget cuts, students are not allowed to live off campus – even if they are commuting from home in surrounding areas – until they are 23.

Greek organizations also are promoted on BU Weekend as having high retention rates.

If you are a student and you have to park at Wheat State Pizza during your visit, don’t think it’s because there are other seniors like you on campus.

Campus parking is a nightmare – so dig out your bicycle or Razor Scooter before you move in next year.

Finally, Baker uses small class sizes as its bread and butter when it comes to marketing the university.

While it is true class size is much smaller than say, the University of Kansas, class sizes currently are increasing due to budget constraints.

Vacant desks are far scarcer than they were a few years ago.