The parking lot behind Denious Hall and Pullium Center has been a constant problem for Baker University, especially its students.
The issue began with not enough parking. After that subject got old, lighting the lot became an issue, and now we have a new situation: recycling bins and trash receptacles.
The first problem is the recycling area located in the parking lot. It’s great Baker is promoting recycling, but it’s a hindrance while driving.
The recycling bin is difficult to see around and many close calls have been witnessed as drivers take a chance and pull out while another is coming from the alleyway.
A simple solution to this problem would be pushing the recycling bins back a bit. There’s room behind them, and safety should come first.
An even bigger problem is created when someone parks in front of the bin to unload his or her recycling, causing an even larger blind spot.
There’s a solution to this safety issue, so why doesn’t Baker do something about it?
On to the trash receptacles.
Has Baker just chosen to ignore student complaints about lack of parking?
It seems so, because there now are giant trash receptacles thrown behind Denious in no particular order.
The receptacles are taking up numerous parking spaces making parking even more of problem. Had the receptacles been organized in some fashion, it might be a different story, but they weren’t and we have an issue.
It’s understandable to need some extra area to throw all the trash away from Denious, but three receptacles of that size, is that necessary?
Baker obviously needs to figure some issues out. Without students Baker wouldn’t be here and parking is near and dear to our hearts.