End of semester stress takes a toll

This article was originally published prior to June 2, 2013. Due to a change in the content management systems, the initial publication date in not available. 

Yesterday I was casually reminded that only four weeks remain in the semester, or three by the time this column is published. That would explain the thick layer of stress coating every inch of campus.

Three weeks. If you’re like me, you’re mentally calculating how many pages you have to write, how many tests you have coming up, how much research you have left to do and how much sleep you’re going to lose. And then if you’re like me again, you’re venting about it to anyone who will listen only to be met with an equally long, exhausting list from whatever student you chose to speak to. “Oh, you think that’s bad? Well, I have six papers! And all of my finals are comprehensive!”

I’m always amused by the one-upmanship on this campus. I, myself, am guilty, but I can still laugh. I’m referring to our need to be the most stressed out, the busiest, the most haggard and distressed student on campus.

Let me just say: you’re not hard core until you’ve passed out on the floor of the library. I managed to make it through freshman year pulling only one “all-nighter.” Well, technically two. I got two hours of sleep the second time, but the sun was definitely coming up as I walked from the library back to Irwin Hall at 5:00 a.m.

Yes, apparently there’s a five in the morning, too – something I could have gone my whole life without knowing.

Late night studying takes its toll, and there are a few tell-tale signs that it’s the end of the semester.

There are the obvious physical changes like dark purple circles under the eyes, attractive grayish skin tone and frazzled hair.

Then there are the pleasant changes in personality: quick tempers, short attention span and general sense of aloofness.

These are the signs of stress or intoxication.

There are fortunately a few ways to mask these symptoms, and although I’m sure they’re not what the school counselor would suggest, they’re my little coping mechanisms to get through until break.

Concealer is a wonderful thing, as any girl will tell you. It’s a great way to cover up those little bags under your eyes. Sorry guys, you’re out of luck.

I recommend coffee as the number one solution to sleep deprivation, maybe not the 6-8 cups I ingest daily, but it can definitely help you survive a class without your head hitting the desk.

And the most important thing: showers. Silly, right?

I don’t know what it is about being busy, but people always seem to skip showers. My skin and hair are bad enough with all the stress, I don’t need to neglect it more by skipping out on my personal hygiene.

These three little things will have you looking and acting at the top of your game, regardless of the fact that you can hardly function.

Yes, we’re all busy, and we’re all stressed and I’m not really looking forward to all the late night friends I’ll see in the library.

But there are only three weeks left – that has to be at least a little comforting.