Study breaks, sponsored by the Student Activities Council, are designed to help students get through the long, rigorous hours spent preparing for final exams.
Sophomore John Babb said all break activities begin at 9 p.m. in the Harter Union cafeteria.<br/>Wednesday night's break will include ultimate nachos and Thursday is picnic night. May 16 will be Wheat State Pizza night and the activities will wrap up with ice cream May 18.Wednesday night's break will include ultimate nachos and Thursday is picnic night. May 16 will be Wheat State Pizza night and the activities will wrap up with ice cream May 18.
Wednesday night’s break will include ultimate nachos and Thursday is picnic night. May 16 will be Wheat State Pizza night and the activities will wrap up with ice cream May 18.
Babb said the study breaks help students take their minds off the subjects they’re studying for a little while.
“Studying for finals is really tough,” Babb said. “It is nice to get a break, hang out with friends and eat some delicious food.”