Stepping out of your comfort fort zone is important, and the opportunities Baker University gives students to travel during interterm allows that step to be taken.
Baker University Faculty Senate approved the addition of two travel interterms at its meeting Tuesday, giving students an invaluable educational opportunity.
With the four other travel interterms faculty senate approved during its April 6 meeting, students will now have six choices for 2011 travel interterms.
Students will have the chance to experience business in China, art in London and Paris, Hebrew in the Holy land, scuba diving, time in Spain and a concert tour in Germany, Austria and Prague.
By giving students the opportunity to experience another culture, even if just for a couple weeks, Baker is making its students more well-rounded individuals.
The memories and the lessons students can learn while traveling abroad will be valuable tools, no matter what they do after college.
Some students use study abroad opportunities to experience other cultures, but it can be expensive to do so.
The cost of living in another country is to be considered, as well as travel expenses to, from and in another county, and the cost of missed class time at Baker.
So, for those who cannot afford the cost of traveling abroad for a semester, or of missing a semester of Baker classes, travel interterms are a great alternative.
Granted, travel interterms cost much more than sitting in class on campus for a few hours every day during interterm, but the chance to travel with peers and get course credit, without losing an entire semester of time at school, isn’t an opportunity too many people have.
Yes, the economy makes it tough for some to travel now, but any student who is able to experience another part of the world through a travel interterm should do so.<br/>And Baker makes that possible.And Baker makes that possible.
And Baker makes that possible.