Baker University Student Senate members voted Tuesday to pass a motion to donate $250 toward Up ’til Dawn.
The money will go toward food and beverages for the participants after the letter-writing event. Katie Sellers, executive student director for Up ’til Dawn, said at the senate meeting that last year food and beverages were donated by businesses in Baldwin City, but this year it is has been difficult to get anything donated due to the economy.
This year, Up ’til Dawn has almost 50 more students participating in the letter-writing event.
“We can’t expect for the students to come and write letters from 8:30 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. without giving them anything to eat or drink,” Sellers said.
Sellers said they would appreciate any kind of contribution that senate would be able to donate, and said she was very thankful and excited about the outcome.<br/>&#160;