The Loud Noises improv group performed in front of Baker students and a group of high school students from St. Louis Tuesday.
“Not a lot of incoming students would think that a small college or any college would have their own improv group,” junior Kari Hilmes, a Loud Noises member, said.
Although Loud Noises didn’t rehearse for recent or upcoming shows during interterm, the group has been meeting every Sunday since the new semester began.
“We try not to practice too much because it’s easy to get into a rut,” Hilmes said. “Audience members tend to suggest the same things so we try not to use the same answers. We like new things to respond with.”
Loud Noises’ next performance will be at an Up ’til Dawn event.
“You can expect a big bang for the end of the semester because a lot of the troop is graduating,” Hilmes said. “It’s their last semester to show Baker what they’ve got.”