Last week during spring break, while students were off to various locations, which did not include Baker’s campus, work was being done in the Horn and Markham apartments.
Associate Dean of Students Teresa Clounch said the replacement of sprinkler heads in the apartments is the only work that was done.
Most of the repairs to the apartments will take place over the summer months, but the state fire marshal required sprinkler heads be fixed prior to April 1 to keep up with safety measures.
It’s good a repair like this could be taken care of while students were away from campus, instead of interrupting their busy lives.
The only problem was, when several students returned to their apartments, the rooms were not in the condition they had left them.
One room had white chips from the ceiling all over the floor that was not cleaned while items in the kitchen of another apartment were moved and not put back in their original places.
To have only a few problems out of all of those rooms is a pretty good ratio, however, cleaning up any mess that was made should be a given.
It’s true, college students do not always live in the cleanest environments.
Since this is the case, students don’t really need any help making their living space dirty.
Coming back to campus to prepare for the upcoming week means cleaning ceiling chips off the floor wasn’t on the to-do list.
The repairs had to be done – the safety of students living in the apartments can’t be jeopardized.
But if it’s going to be done, it should be finished, including the cleanup.
It wouldn’t be acceptable for students to leave their apartments looking like that as they left for break, so it shouldn’t be acceptable conditions for them to return to.