We all pretend from time to time to not care about the environment. But the truth is, we do. How can you not?
The environment is the air we breathe, the ground we walk on and so much more.
Lucky for us at Baker, we have Earth We Are.
EWA has made great efforts to help the environment and every little bit helps. When “Trayless Thursdays” were experimented with last year, students fussed and comment cards were filled out, but was anyone really hurt by it? It saved water and energy and lessened the amount of food wasted by a significant amount. Sounds like a positive action. How about another?
EWA now is proposing the cafeteria go completely trayless. Hold on tight, as this surely will be a bumpy ride. It doesn’t have to be that way, though.
Laziness seems to be the cause of most of the outrage heard from students, which is pretty appalling.
Yes, students may have to make extra trips through the lunch line to get more food because they won’t be able to hold as much at one time, but it seems worth it. Cutting trays out of the picture will save money on a number of things that may, in return, benefit us as students. So why not support EWA?
Not using trays will mean less water is being used. And, because people won’t be able to take as much at one time, less food will be wasted. If the university saves this money, which could turn out to be a pretty hefty amount, students might save as well and not too many would complain about saving a buck or two right now.
It’s nice to see passion on campus and passion that really means something. Unfortunately, not all that passion is positive.
Perhaps the fact student senate voted to support EWA last week will help, but students are the ones that are needed to make a big difference and many won’t.
It could always be worse, you know. Remember this week’s hunger and homelessness theme? Think about that when complaining about the possibility of not having trays. At least you have food.