Parking: The word that seems to be the root of many problems on Baker’s campus this year. It’s been bad in past years, but this year tops the cake.
Parking is what students hate fighting while trying not to be late for class.
Removing parking tickets is what has caused students to pull their hair out.
Plus, parking lot lighting needs improvement.
This is an issue that’s only going to continue to grow as the year progresses and students get more upset.
Parking was an issue last year but students dealt with it. This year, however, the administration has decided to threaten those who park “illegally.” And by illegally we’re talking the “Parking for Admissions Visitors Only” spots by Parmenter Hall or ones like them. How do they know who’s visiting anyway? Are there secret ninja spies who have this job? We’d all like to know.
One of the obvious problems is the Living and Learning Center. The parking lot that was there used to provide some extra spaces, and although it wasn’t enough, it was still better than it is now.
Baker simply does not have enough parking and should realize this. If the university isn’t going to provide an adequate amount of spaces for students who pay thousands upon thousands of dollars each year to come here, it should at least lay off the parking tickets, especially those sticky ones.
It’s one thing to put a ticket under a windshield wiper but when you put a giant sticker on a car window, you’re asking for trouble.
Not only do they cause an obstruction and a safety risk while driving, but they are also a pain in the rump to remove. Just look at the cars around campus and anyone can see the remains of those blasted stickers. And honestly, I’m sure there’s a much more cost-effective way of handling a car that’s parked “illegally.” A small piece of paper with a nice little note would do.
And as if we don’t have enough parking problems, Baker chooses to keep the parking lot behind Pullium Center and west of Horn and Markham apartments as dark as possible. Brilliant. Just brilliant.