If a person is around me for any amount of time, it becomes quite obvious that I love to eat.
I’m serious; food is one of the greatest pleasures in my life and eating is one of my favorite hobbies, right up there with killing gnomes.
Therefore, this year has been a bit of a disappointment in the food category.
You see, I like the cafeteria. I think it is one of the greatest social theaters accessible to a college student.
I know my friends and I try very hard every day to make the lunchroom as entertaining as possible for ourselves first, then everyone nearby.
Many a noon hour has passed to see our group sitting (crammed 10 or more to a table) and laughing at the top of our lungs.
Rude? Possibly. <br/>Bothersome? Most likely. Bothersome? Most likely. <br/>Fun? Absolutely. Fun? Absolutely. <br/>However, friends in and of themselves do not make lunch great.&#160;However, friends in and of themselves do not make lunch great.
Bothersome? Most likely.
Fun? Absolutely.
However, friends in and of themselves do not make lunch great.
This is where the food comes in. <br/>I've heard rumors that the cafeteria this year is trying some health conscious initiative in order to lengthen the life of the students.I've heard rumors that the cafeteria this year is trying some health conscious initiative in order to lengthen the life of the students.
I’ve heard rumors that the cafeteria this year is trying some health conscious initiative in order to lengthen the life of the students.
That's very noble. <br/>Also, because I respect the folks that work there, I'll keep this simple. Where did the good food go?Also, because I respect the folks that work there, I'll keep this simple. Where did the good food go?
Also, because I respect the folks that work there, I’ll keep this simple. Where did the good food go?
I mean, I’ve been eating in the cafeteria for a month now, and we’ve had taco day once. I recall it being much more prevalent last year, maybe not weekly but most assuredly more than once a month.
I had hoped that if the cafeteria were implementing a healthier menu, it would have done it gradually. A bit here, a bit there.
But instead, students were welcomed back to a completely new menu that, at least according to most I’ve talked to, leaves students wanting.
I was sitting, waiting, wishing that some of the old menu would come back.
You see, I’ll eat almost anything.
I’ve eaten some things that make my friends reconsider their relationship with me, but even so, some new things exist that even I am hesitant to ingest. Now, imagine how my picky friends feel.
I see the line in the Wildcat Café each day, and I see the numbers of students who eat in there every day; and I wonder if this healthy initiative is really working that well if instead of eating the rice that has clumped together into some sort of rock hammer, they go and order a cheeseburger instead.
Although, the cynical side of me wonders if it’s actually a clever plan to get the student to pay for a meal plan and then force them over to the Café so they buy another meal. Interesting.
My last complaint is not one of my own but one for my friends.
Even though I’m a self-professed carnetarian (meat eater) and have been one way before any fast-food commercial made it part of our pop culture, I feel the need for more vegetarian-friendly menu items.
Yes, I joke about how there is a salad bar and a cereal bar, but that gets old. Rice, again, doesn’t quite cut it either.
Also, the desserts aren’t very edible for those of us who have an intolerance of lactose. I don’t, but the complaint has been raised.
It is to be hoped that in the future there will be a resurgence of greasy goodness the students can once again ravish, but until then, I’ll just enjoy my mustard, peanut butter and ham sandwich.