Baker University students have heard and seen the construction at Denious Hall, but will it ever end?
Director of Enrollment Management Kevin Krop said the Admissions Office has been told the move will happen ‘soon.’
“We have not been given a date,” he said. “Winter break is probably my best guess. We were hopeful it was October … we’re just excited about the opportunity.”
The campus has been awaiting the final product of the Denious Hall updates, which would centralize the admissions office and financial aid into one location.
“The beauty of these changes would be that students and parents can walk into one central welcome center and receive information about admissions, along with financial aid, instead of walking to multiple locations on campus,” Chief Operating Officer Susan Lindahl said.
The main reason for the delay of making the switch is because there had to be some rewiring with the electrical system underneath the building.
The committee in charge of these new updates wanted to make sure everything was done correctly the first time and that everything would be in place for the move.
This means anything from the wiring to the carpet will be completed and done perfectly.
The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, plus multiple other faculty members taking part in the plan have done a full walk-through of the building.
They are excited for the bigger lobby space, which will benefit the offices and that each department will be together in one main location.
“It is all coming together and we can visualize where things will be,” Kropf said. “It all takes time to do things right.”
When everything is done within the hall, there will be a sequence of moves. The Office of Admissions and Financial Aid will be moving out of Parmenter Hall and into the Welcome Center, while other faculty members will be moving out of different locations on campus and move into Parmenter.
“From my understanding the history department will be moving into the offices of Parmenter,” Bandre said.
The layout of the new center will be two wings.
There will be one wing where financial aid and the admissions office will be housed.
In another wing will be where Mark Bandre, vice president for enrollment management and student development, has his office, and there will be another main office and a conference room.
Other than the two wings, there will be a large lobby space, which will be more accommodating for students and their families.
“This will be a more visible perspective for students to go to and see Baker’s campus,” Bandre said. “It is a fabulous opportunity.”