Giving an inside look at what China’s architecture, studies, traditions and cuisine are, both students and faculty got the opportunity to listen to and see what exactly China has to offer.
At the university forum Nov. 20, Professor of English Lucy Price gave insight about her travels all over China last June while participating in a People-to-People International tour honoring Women of Higher Education, supported by Baker University. Hong Kong, Beijing and Xi’an were just a few of the places the group visited, each member presenting different experiences and cultures.
“We got to sit in on panels, meet and actually interact with the students attending the universities and observe classes,” Price said. “It was really interesting learning what they were studying and what they want to be doing in the future, because their concerns are the same as ours in a sense.”
After getting a one-on-one tour from some of the students attending the different universities, Price said she was surprised by the fact that technology was so prevalent in the Chinese culture.
“Everyone seemed to have a cell phone and access to the Internet,” she said. “I found it very interesting how different our cultures and traditions can be, yet our lifestyles and way of communication are so alike.”
Professor of Art Inge Balch said Price’s presentation was very enjoyable.
“I’m a traveler myself, so I love getting to see what others experience while out of the country,” she said. “I thought it was great that Lucy was able to try some new food items (such as fried tarantulas and snake wine) while experiencing a different way of living because, really, that is what life is all about-trying new things and appreciating the differences.”
Kevin McCarthy, chair of the business and economics department, said one of the things that stood out to him the most was the photography shown in the PowerPoint slideshow.
“I have been to China twice before, and seeing all of the photos she took almost enabled me to get the smell of just being over there again. It was very redolent in its own way,” he said.
Traveling to a different country does have its differences, but Price said she was surprised about how less of a culture shock she had than originally expected.
“It seemed very familiar, even though they spoke a different language, had a different culture and lived in a different world,” she said. “Meeting people of all kinds over there is something that I will never forget.”