The Baker Orange

The amount of student debt is so debilitating that its inhibiting our freedom to education. As of 2021, the average amount of student debt owed was 37,693 dollars and, due to inflation, that number only continues to rise.

The problems associated with student debt

Story by Jamie Pellikaan, Staff Writer May 20, 2021

As of 2021, the average amount of student debt owed is 37,693 dollars with the collective total for all student debt owed in the United States is 1.71 trillion dollars. This number will only continue...

Junior Allie Petracek advocates for those with developmental disabilities. With direct advocate experience, Petracek has been able to understand the legal maneuvers used by Congress to make change.

Junior Allie Petracek advocates for those with developmental disabilities

Story by Will Hanson, Arts and Entertainment Editor May 11, 2021

Junior Allie Petracek from Overland Park, Kan. is an advocate for individuals with developmental disabilities. Growing up, Petracek’s parents were very passionate about politics. “My mom really...

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