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Baker University Student News Media

The Baker Orange

Baker University Student News Media

The Baker Orange

Baker University Student News Media

The Baker Orange

Unpaid internships no longer serve students due to financial stress and lack of labor appreciation.

Editorial: It is time to end unpaid internships

Story by Emma Howard, Social Media Editor December 4, 2021

As the fall semester comes to a close, the search for internships for the upcoming year is in full swing. Many Baker students participate in short and long-term internships year-round as several academic...

How to prepare for the suffering US job market, according to career services director

How to prepare for the suffering US job market, according to career services director

Story by Isabel Ashley, News Editor April 14, 2020

The recent COVID-19 stay-at-home orders have created a slew of consequences across the globe, including an unprecedented toll on the US economy and job market. In the past three weeks, over sixteen million...

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