Taylor’s Top 10 – The worst people to follow on Twitter

Top 10 worst types of people to follow on Twitter:

1. The selfie lovers

Admit it, we all know we look good sometimes. But when you see those people who think they look good all the time, it’s just annoying. Like dude, I get it, you’re hot. But we don’t need to see that all the time.

2. The retweeters

Some tweets deserve a retweet and well, some just don’t. Especially when you retweet 1,028 different tweets in an hour. Make it personal and make it count or else you’ll annoy your followers by overtaking their timelines. JUST STOP.

3. The live tweeters

We’re all watching the Emmys. We don’t need you constantly updating us on everything that happens.

4. The repliers

If your Twitter is full of @ signs, I automatically tune out. It’s like starting a movie halfway in. I don’t know the people nor do I really care about them.

5. The compliment seekers

Tell me one more time about how much you hate your life or how you’re on #teamsingle. Better yet, follow more repliers! Maybe they’ll tweet you back and give you that confidence boost that you’re looking for.

6. The over-tweeters

If you tweet more than twice in 10 minutes, I immediately think you don’t have any friends that you can share your feelings with. Keep the tweets to a minimum and save them for important things.

7. The pushers

Those people on Twitter who spend their time trying to convince their followers to believe in whatever it is they believe in. I’ll go to church if I want a sermon, thanks.

8. The subtweeters

Why? Just… Why?

9. The hastaggers

Do #you #even #know #what #a #hashtag #is #used #for? Personally, I feel like there needs to be some sort of public service announcement that explains what a hashtag is and when it can be used.

10. The wannabes

These are the people that use Twitter as a medium to get famous, and their main goal is to get the most followers. The question is … does #teamfollow even work?