Taylor’s Top 10 – Ways to procrastinate for finals

Top 10 ways to procrastinate for finals:

1. Look at your Twitter feed.

And look at it again…. And again…. And again… Maybe you’ll stumble across something that is actually stimulating or inspiring. If not, at least you’ll be entertained for a few minutes.

2. Listen to new music

I suggest trying out any music by Kings of Leon. When you listen to music, the part of your brain called the “rewards system” releases dopamine, which is highly correlated to happiness. Studies also show that listening to music helps people finish a project faster and more efficiently than they would in silence.

3. Eat some blueberries

Actually, according to Web.md, the proper term should be “brainberries.” Researchers have found that blueberries help protect the brain from oxidative stress.

4. Work out

Studies have found that exercising before trying to learn and retain information is almost as beneficial as ingesting Ritalin or Prozac. Exercising releases neurotrasmitters such as serotonin and dopamine that are connected to feeling happy, calm and euphoric. Imagine the benefits if you work out and listen to music at the same time.

5. Plan out your life

It has to happen sometime, right?

6. Play an online game

Personally, I suggest the Lilo and Stitch Sandwich Stacker game. It’s a fun and distracting way to spend a few minutes before you have to get back to the task at hand.

7. Finish up some odds & ends

If you’re going to procrastinate, you might as well get some stuff done while you can. If you have errands to run or cleaning to do, get it done while you take a break in between study sessions. Pay the bills that have been sitting on your counter for a week or finally fold your underwear that has been piling up. Fill your time with things that have to happen anyways and it won’t actually feel like you’re procrastinating.

8. Knit

I blame this idea on my other half, junior Kayla Infanti. She has shown me the benefits of knitting your own scarf, hat and all other winter goodies. Not only does it save you hard-earned cash, it also gives you creative freedom on what you want your warm winter accessories to look like. Plus, you can get started on making your friends and family Christmas gifts.

9. Try studying for another class

OK, that might seem like a crazy idea … studying to procrastinate? But sometimes procrastination needs to happen because you are too burned out on a certain topic. Put down the anatomy book and pick up your literature book. The change from one topic to another creates a distraction and a different setting that, hopefully, will help curb the boredom.

10. Just take a break

Put everything down, walk away from the desk and watch a few episodes of “Weeds” on Netflix. Sometimes overworking yourself is just as bad as not studying enough. Your brain can only hold so much information, and if it has reached its limit, there is no reason to push it any further. You’ll start confusing concepts and over thinking questions. Relax about finals — you know what you’re doing.