Mungano to host second annual ’90s dance party

Mungano, the campus cultural diversity club, is hosting its second annual ‘90s dance party on Sept. 19 from 8 p.m. to midnight in Mabee Gym. Members of the organization hope students will show up in their retro gear, from scrunchies to brightly colored shirts, and “flashback” to the years they were born.

The event began last year as a campus-wide social event. This year, the event is co-sponsored by the Student Activities Council.

“This year we will be having a real DJ from Kansas City,” Vice President of Mungano Tyler Sloan said. “We are encouraging people to wear their favorite ‘90s style clothes.”

Sloan hopes that students will take advantage of its opportunity to meet new people and engage in the campus-wide events Mungano hosts, such as the ’90s party.

“I want people to know that Mungano is an organization for everyone to come and be themselves and to have open minded conversations,” Sloan said. “Oh, and to have tons of fun.”

Sloan said she joined Mungano because of the “safe place” it offered for her to speak honestly about diversity and to learn about other cultures.

Haley Barnes, the treasurer of Mungano, said that the club talks about various diversity matters at meetings.

“We have discussion every Wednesday about these topics,” Barnes said. “We decide ourselves what we would like to discuss that day.”

Mungano’s President Lauren Brown believes the club has the ability to teach students a variety of different things.

“Mungano taught me how to think openly and to speak and learn about topics I don’t talk about regularly,” Brown said.

Barnes believes the club has been a positive experience in her life, not only in changing her perspectives on diversity, but also in opening her eyes to everything else.

“I don’t think Mungano has really changed my overall view of people, but the individuals that come and go in Mungano are a blessing to get to know,” Barnes said. “Everyone has a story and is truly unique and beautiful in their own way.”