DIY: Flower Headband

Supplies needed:

Ribbon, scissors, hot glue gun and sticks, fake flowers and paint (optional). All the supplies are available at a local craft store or convenience store. Any size, brand, color etc. flower will work for this activity.

Step one: Determine the amount of ribbon needed by measuring your head with the material (making sure to leave some extra on the ends to tie a bow into at the end).

Step two: Cut the ribbon off at the desired length.

Step three: Cut off the stem part of the fake flowers. It’s up to you how many flowers you’d like to have on your headband. If you are wanting to put a word on your headband make sure to leave an open space free of flowers.

Step four: Hot glue the back of the flowers to the ribbon.

Step five: Repeat step four as many times as needed, or until you’ve reached your desired amount of flowers on the headband.

Step six (optional): If you have any paint or puffy paint, you can write any words on the ribbon. I chose sorority family terms.

Step seven: Let the hot glue dry

Step eight: Tie the ribbon around your head and enjoy!