Start of semester: Dress to impress

At the beginning of each semester, freshman Olivia Allen is more willing to dress nicer for class. For her, it is easier when the excitement of classes is still fresh.

“I definitely have more energy to dress up at the beginning of the semester,” Allen said.

Students are looking to make good impressions at the beginning of each semester. They want their professors and other students to think that they are serious about being in class. Many students strive to “dress to impress” upon finding themselves in new classes with new professors and students.

Senior Ryan Good said he feels more compelled to dress nicer at the beginning of the semester.

“There’s new people and people I haven’t seen in a long time,” Good said. “I just want to show everyone it’s possible for me to look good before I recline into basketball shorts and sweatpants.”

After the first several weeks of class, though, Baker students seem to care less about dressing up and more about being comfortable in class.

As times have changed and people are more accepting of the variety of clothing that others choose to wear, it has become socially acceptable for BU students to wear their pajamas to class.

The timing of when to go with more casual clothes varies. And for every student the definition of what clothes are casual can be different too.

The term pajama is loose in its definition. Technically, pajamas could be anything from an over sized t-shirt to the iconic bunny footie pajamas that Ralphie had to wear in the movie, A Christmas Story.

Although most students seem to be on board with the idea of wearing pajamas to class, not all students think it sends out the best message.

“I personally wouldn’t wear my PJs to class because I think it makes it look like I don’t care,” Allen said.

Other students worry about feeling prepared for class.

“I think if you show up to class in what you slept in, you are not going to be awake for class,” freshman Rachel Lund said.

The window in which students dress to impress may very well be coming to a close as student ease back into the lackadaisical style.