The importance of taking time

Story by Abigaile Roorda, Writer

The time between fall break and Thanksgiving feels much longer than it really is. In that stretch of time, the bulk of course work is generally due. With research papers, tests, group projects and study groups, the stress will really begin to pile onto students. In addition, the stress of family holiday obligations, personal relationships and money for school are all pressing on students’ minds.

Here are some statistics about student stress from College Parents of America:

  • 85% of students feel stressed on a daily basis.
  • 77% of students feel stress over academic concerns.
  • 60% of students have felt stress to the point of not being able to get work done
  • 74% of students feel stress about grades
  • 67% of students feel stress about financial worries
  • 54% of students feel stress about their families
  • 53% of students feel stress about relationships

When this happens, it’s important for students to find small pockets of time to step away from these obligations and simply take time to relax. The 10 minutes walking between classes, the 20 minutes spent eating, and the time spent sleeping are not adequate stress-free times.

By taking an hour or so during the day prior to sleeping, stress levels can be reduced and actually help to produce better quality of work. There are many ways to de-stress life, even when you only have a few minutes.

If you only have five minutes, simply stepping away from your work, stretching and taking deep breaths can lower stress levels. If you are between classes or waiting for a class to start, closing your eyes and listening to some music can lower stress.

If you have 15 minutes, taking a walk and thinking about things outside of your work can help as well. Calling home or a friend, jotting down your thoughts, or reading a news article can also lower stress.

If you have a whole hour, watching some “mindless” television can relieve the mind of stress. In this time, you could take a yoga class, exercise or browse stores.

Using any or all of these suggestions will significantly lower stress and, if done responsibly, will improve quality of work.