Students lack participation on campus

It is no secret that Baker University students are involved in numerous activities both on and off of campus. Lately, our editorial board noticed students are generally not willing to add anything else to their plates, and it is changing the culture on campus. 

It would be unfair to say students are becoming apathetic in their involvement and school spirit, but there has certainly been a shift in the attitude toward adding other commitments to an already busy schedule. Because of this, a lack of participation is rising throughout the student body. Many people feel like an escape from school work and activities is constantly needed.

It seems as if it is a competition to see who is the most overwhelmed, who has the most obligations that they really do not enjoy or who pulled the longest all-nighter while starting a 25-page paper due the following day. Regardless of the situation, it as if there is a competition to see who is the busiest when, in reality, everyone is busy. Some are just better at practicing time management skills than others.

Baker thrives off students signing up for activities or supporting non-required events, such as Student Senate’s campus safety videos or signing up to work the blood drive. Student should genuinely want to volunteer for and attend events such as The Last Lecture or the Tunnel of Oppression and not treat it as another thing to check off your to-do list.

Student Activities Council offers students several opportunities throughout the year to grow their education outside of the classroom through listening to speakers and participating in events. Unfortunately, quite a few speakers only have attendees present who are required to be there for a class.

Between sports, clubs, Greek Life, work and additional requirements for a student’s major, it is easy to see how a person could feel pulled in every direction. Time management skills are the key to balancing a hectic schedule. However, it is important not to forget the value of self-care. Taking a break with friends or relaxing in solitude with Netflix is perfectly healthy.

Technology can become an obstacle to completing tasks. Have you ever looked into the amount of time you are in front of a screen every day? The hours can add up and go by rather quickly. Being aware of how one spends their time can provide a person with more opportunities for other activities. This works as long as they are willing to prioritize what they would like to do during the day.

Baker students need to quit viewing volunteer opportunities or non-required events as a chore. These events should be looked at as a break from the monotony of the school year. Students need to realize that they are not the only person that is busy on campus because everyone here has more than one obligation.

Our campus culture thrives on the involvement of students. Most people at Baker consider themselves busy. This can be solved by practicing better time management skills and viewing optional activities and volunteer opportunities as chances to get a break from the rest of the tasks you have to do.

Everyone needs to remain involved or get involved in multiple organizations and support each other’s events because without that, this would not be Baker University.