Story by Trey Donovan, Staff Writer
• March 21, 2022
The Baker University women’s bowling team has continued their strong season with wins at the Hoosier Classic Feb. 19-20 and the Conference Championship Feb. 26-27. The team has looked strong all year...
Editor’s Note: The original version of this article was updated for clarity on March 16, at 8:00 p.m.
On Feb. 8, Susan Decker was named senior woman administrator of Baker University Athletics. The...
Story by Rebekah Nelson, Multimedia Editor
• March 8, 2022
Om Grown Yoga Collective, a local yoga studio, plans to expand with a new studio space located just between Baldwin Fitness and the apartment building on Eighth Street. The space is predicted to open late...
Baker University officials throughout the pandemic have aligned their mask policies with those of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Douglas County regulations. The county ordered an emergency mask...
Within the last year, the Baker University Theatre Department has seen a lot of change and turmoil. At the end of the 2020-2021 school year, Associate Professor Tom Heiman retired and was followed by Assistant...
Story by Will Hanson, Editor-in-Chief
• March 3, 2022
On Feb. 26, the College Radio Foundation coordinated an effort for college radio stations to send and compile messages of support to the students in Ukraine. As a response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine,...
In this week’s episode, we will take a look at all of the options Baldwin City has for coffee, highlight the recent successes the dance team has had and find out some information on how the university...
On Thursday, Feb. 24 at 5:07 a.m. Ukraine time, Russian military forces launched the first missile attack at locations near the country’s capital, Kyiv. Within hours, more Ukrainian cities were struck...
Story by Grace Duddy, Staff Writer and Photographer
• February 14, 2022
During the month of February, the Exercise Science Student Alliance and Public Health Student Association typically team up to sponsor a heart health campaign to help educate the Baker students. However,...
In this week’s episode, we take a look at some of the interterm trips that happened in January, update viewers on The Baker Orange News Rundown and get a behind-the-scenes look at how some Baker football...
On this week’s episode, we check out how Baldwin City celebrates Christmas, get a behind-the-scenes look at the baker wrestling team and interview students about how they spend their winter break.
Story by Maggie Young, Photographer and Staff Writer
• December 9, 2021
On Dec. 4, Baker University officially unveiled the Mansfield-Elliott Men’s Basketball Locker Room to alumni and donors. The ceremony took place during halftime of the women’s basketball game in...